Charities Regulator number 20060558
Registered Company Limited by Guarantee
The main day to day funding of Louisburgh Childcare Ltd after school comes from Core Funding, the National Childcare Scheme and co-payments from parents.
The National Childcare Scheme
The National Childcare Scheme was introduced in November 2019 and the rates were increased substantially on 2nd January 2023. It provides subsidies to parents for childcare costs in Tusla-registered childcare facilities.
There are two types of childcare subsidy for children aged between 24 weeks and 15 years of age:
A universal subsidy which is not means tested and which gives parents €1.40 per hour per child towards childcare costs.
An income-assessed subsidy which is means tested.
Your childcare provider, including childminders and school-age childcare services, must be registered with Tusla and have a National Childcare Scheme contract with the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.
Registration and cost
The maximum amount of children that the after school can cater for is 24 each day.
The daily rate per child is €15 and for holiday periods the full day rate is €35 per child per day or €20 per child per half day.

Tusla registration​
Tusla’s Early Years Inspectorate is responsible for the regulation of pre-schools, play groups, day nursery, crèches, day-care and similar services which cater for children aged 0-6 years.
From January 2019 the registration of School Age Services was included in this remit following the publication of the Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) (Registration of School Age Services) Regulations 2018.
Louisburgh Childcare has successfully registered its after-school service (school age childcare) with Tusla and the certificate of registration is displayed at Louisburgh NS.
Early Childhood Ireland, (ECI)
We are members of ECI, (Early Childhood Ireland) which offer a wide range of support services for childcare providers. Louisburgh Childcare Ltd is fully insured (under ECI) against accidents and for outings.
Mayo County Childcare Committee
Louisburgh Childcare has a close working relationship with Mayo County Childcare Committee who provides us with support, guidance and advice in our provision of quality childcare services. The Mayo County Childcare Committee's (MCCC) remit is to deliver early childhood care and education programmes which support children and families in Mayo. Mayo CCC works collaboratively and collectively with the Dept. of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration & Youth, Pobal and Voluntary Childcare Organisations to achieve this.