Charities Regulator number 20060558
Registered Company Limited by Guarantee
The main day to day funding of Louisburgh Childcare Ltd pre-school comes from Pobal and the Department of Children and Youth Affairs under the ECCE (free preschool place) scheme.
The ECCE Sessional Scheme
The Early Childhood Care and Education Scheme provides two free years of early childhood care and education for children of pre-school age. Children are eligible for the ECCE scheme if they are 2 years 8 months old by the 31st August, of the year they will be starting pre-school, which is normally in September. There are some exemptions to age limits where children have been assessed by the HSE, or a treating consultant, as having special needs which will delay their entry to school or it is appropriate to accept children at an older age due to the enrolment policy of the local primary school.
Louisburgh Childcare Ltd is under the ECCE Scheme and receives funding so that it can offer 22 free places to children in the morning and afternoon sessions.
Registration and cost
The maximum amount of children that the pre-school can cater for is 22 in the morning session and 22 in the afternoon session. It is advisable for the parents to register their child’s name the year prior to starting playschool.
If children are not entitled to a free place, usually because they are under or over the age that entitles them to a free ECCE place in a particular year, we charge fees based on the ECCE grant we receive, which is €13.90 per child per session. To check if your child is entitled to a free ECCE place fill in their date of birth on the ECCE calculator
Tusla registration​
Under the Child Care Act 1991, Tusla is obliged to assure the health, safety and welfare of pre-school children attending services in their area. All pre-school service providers must notify Tusla of their service. Tusla provides us with support, advice and guidance in running our services through the close working relationship with the Early Years Development Worker.
Tusla Inspection
As Louisburgh Childcare provides a pre-school service we are subject to inspection by Tusla under the Childcare (Preschool Services) Regulations Act 2006. The regulations are concerned with the standard of the service in areas including health, welfare and development of the child as well as behaviour, child/adult ratios, premises and facilities, floor space, heating and ventilation, sanitation, food, safety measures, facilities for rest and play and insurance. Inspection is designed to ensure the health, safety and welfare of children and the promotion of their development. It is also to ensure that pre-school services comply with relevant statutory requirements including the pre-school Regulations.
The Tusla inspector inspects the premises each year to ensure safety and hygiene standards are adhered to. Shortly after the inspection Tusla are required to put the report on their website, for public viewing. The building is fully equipped with fire extinguishers and fire drills are carried out regularly with the playschool children.
Louisburgh Childcare Ltd is registered for 22 children in the pre-school morning session, 22 in the playschool afternoon session. Staff are fully qualified and have Garda Vetting, and are re-vetted every 3 years.
Early Childhood Ireland, (ECI)
We are members of ECI, (Early Childhood Ireland) which offer a wide range of support services for childcare providers. Louisburgh Childcare Ltd is fully insured (under ECI) against accidents and for outings.
Mayo County Childcare Committee
Louisburgh Childcare has a close working relationship with Mayo County Childcare Committee who provides us with support, guidance and advice in our provision of quality childcare services. The Mayo County Childcare Committee's (MCCC) remit is to deliver early childhood care and education programmes which support children and families in Mayo. Mayo CCC works collaboratively and collectively with the Dept. of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration & Youth, Pobal and Voluntary Childcare Organisations to achieve this.