Community Childcare
Welcome to Louisburgh Childcare
Community Pre-School, Full Day Childcare (Creche) and
After-School Service in Louisburgh, Co Mayo
Louisburgh Childcare is a community-run organisation offering Pre-school (ECCE), Full Day Childcare (Creche) and After-School services. In existence for 40 years, the Pre-school and Full Day Childcare are now located in a purpose-built facility at Cairde Caher. The After-School service is located in Louisburgh NS. With a strong emphasis on inclusion, we are delighted to welcome all children to our service, whether local or new to the community.
Children aged 1 year to school age are cared for from 8.30am to 5.30pm daily in this purpose-built facility including separate sleep room and with hot meals provided.
Pre-school education from age 2 years and 10 months to school age with two sessions daily. Two free years with the ECCE programme using the Aistear and Siolta methods.
Year-round after-school service during school terms and full day camps during holiday periods. Based at Louisburgh Primary School. For all primary school-aged children.
Our ethos
At our service our ethos and practice values diversity and promotes equality. We aim to select friendly, dependable, mature and professional staff through our rigorous recruitment and selection policy. We aim to ensure that the developmental, educational, emotional and social needs of each child are met daily. The voice of the child is heard, respected and contributes to our programmes.
We aim to deliver a quality curriculum which addresses children’s well-being, identity and belonging, communication and exploring and thinking, along the principles of Aistear, the Early Childhood Curriculum Framework.
We aim to make the service accessible to all members of the community, regardless of race, gender, family status, age, disability, or religious belief. We operate within the Childcare Act 1991 (Early Years Services) Regulations 2016 and The National Standards for Preschools. The environment is planned and well-organised in a way that suits the different needs of individual children, while keeping in mind the importance of Safety and Hygiene Parents/guardians are actively welcomed at the service at all times.
We endeavour to share information and communicate with parents/guardians directly, in order to give feedback at the end of each day and to ensure that they are made aware of on-going developments in policies and procedures. The service wishes to promote a positive atmosphere where children, staff and parents/guardians are treated with respect.